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Topic: Nginx

  • Docker compose with Django 4, Celery, Redis and Postgres

    Celery Django Redis Postgres Nginx Docker

    Setup docker compose with Django 4, Celery, Redis and Postgres Deploying Django application that is using Celery and Redis might be challenging. Thanks to docker-compose tool we can prepare docker containers locally and make deployment much easier. I would like to show you my approach for constructing docker-compose configuration that can be reused in other web applications. I will be using Django version 4.1.3 and Celery 5.2.7. The nginx server will be used as reverse proxy for Django and to serve static files. Postgres database and Redis will be in the docker-compose.

  • Docker-Compose for Django and React with Nginx reverse-proxy and Let's encrypt certificate

    Docker-compose Django React Nginx Let's encrypt Boilerplate

    Docker-Compose for Django and React with Nginx reverse-proxy and Let's encrypt certificate The most exciting moment of the web application development is a deployment. Your app is going live! It can also be nerve-wracking moment. Unfortunately. There are many options, many variables and configurations. It is easy to miss something … In this article, I will show you how to pack Django and React application into containers and deploy them with docker-compose. The presented approach can be reused on any Cloud Provider (AWS, DigitalOcean, Linode, GCP, Heroku) - you just need a Virtual Private Server (VPS).