• CRUD in Django Rest Framework and React

    Django React Backend Frontend Boilerplate Django-rest-framework

    Create a New Model in Django, Django Rest Framework and React

  • React Authenticated Component

    React Frontend Boilerplate

    In the previous article we’ve added signup and login features to the frontend. After login we have a redirect to the Dashboard view. However, you can access Dashboard view even if you are not logged in. In this post we will make the AuthenticatedComponent for Dashboard so only logged users will be able to access it. If not logged user would like to access the Dashboard URL then she will be redirected to Login with redirect in the URL /login?next=/dashboard after successful login. We will also add logout feature in the Dashboard.

  • Starting SaaS with Django and React

    Django React Backend Frontend Boilerplate

    Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a model of software delivery in which users pay a subscription to get access to centrally hosted software. Nowadays, you can easily build your own SaaS, but you need to have programming skills. There are a lot of open-source web frameworks that allow you to quickly create a web service. You can serve SaaS on rented hardware in the cloud. You can start your own SaaS at 10-50$ per month of total costs (but you need to have programming skills!).